Category Archives: Uncategorized

Merlin Mann

“It can be very frustrating to keep sucking at something without realizing that it’s not the thing you should be trying to get better at…Part of successfully growing up is letting go of unrealistic ideas that stop us from recognizing something else we’re good at and might enjoy more than what we’re doing now.”

Such a crush on this dude. Been following his career for the past decade and for a while I just ate up everything he produced.

All we have is now

My dad’s parents. They’re no longer with us, and even though I’ve never really considered myself sentimental, I’m grateful for this picture of them in their youth.

They both have an effortless grace in this image that I find captivating. Beautiful and timeless.

New TLDs

Up to a thousand new TLDs will be added in 2014 and I’m not sure what I think about that. However, just in case there are any illusions about the availability of a TLD for the average Joe…

In addition to the $185,000 application fee to ICANN, the cost of lawyers, research, traveling to ICANN conferences, and other administrative expenses brings the total cost of an application up to about $1 million, according to one applicant.

Sure. Give me an even dozen.